Public Meeting Participation - Policy No. 11-2011
Sanibel Public Library
Sanibel Public Library District Policy No. 11-2011
Public Meeting Participation
The Sanibel Public Library District Board of Commissioners encourages input from the public. The purpose of this policy is to ensure that interested parties representing various points of view are allowed a reasonable time to present those viewpoints while permitting the Board of Commissioners to conduct its meetings in an efficient and effective manner.
Rules and Procedures
- Agenda. There is an agenda for each Board of Commissioners meeting that determines the order and content of business conducted at that meeting. Normally, that agenda will be followed. However, the Board may add or remove items, and the Chair may vary the agenda order for the convenience of the public or the Board.
- Public Comment. The Board will provide an opportunity for public comment at each of its regular meetings by including a public comment agenda item. The Library Board Chair or the presiding officer will ask if anyone wishes to address the Board and will determine the order in which speakers will be recognized. When deemed to be appropriate, the Library Board Chair or presiding officer may also grant a request to address the Board during other portions of the meeting.
- Presentation of Comments. Speakers will provide their names, and are requested to (but not required to) provide their address and group affiliation, if any. The agenda will provide a notification as to the normal amount of time allowed for public comment. The Board Chair or presiding officer has the discretion to allow additional time. The Board Chair may limit the number of additional times a person may speak. Unless additional time is granted by the Chair or presiding officer, each person will have five (5) minutes to speak. Members of the public will not be allowed to speak a second time until all members of the audience who wish to speak have had the opportunity to do so. All speakers are expected to maintain proper decorum and civility at all times. Those who fail to do so may be prohibited from making further comments by the Chair, or if persisting after fair warning, removed from the meeting for misconduct. Anger, rudeness, ridicule, impatience and lack of respect for others are not acceptable behavior. Demonstrations in support or opposition to a speaker or idea such as clapping, cheering, booing or hissing or intimidating body language are not permitted.
- Petitions or Written Correspondence. Any petitions or written correspondence to the Board may be presented at the next regularly scheduled Board meeting.
- Board Response Action. As a general rule, the Board will not respond to public comments at the time they are made. The Board may comment, take action, or not take action with respect to a public comment at a future Board meeting, as it deems appropriate.
- Exceptions. The Library Board reserves the right to waive this policy and these procedures when necessary to conduct Board meetings effectively.
- Minutes. Board minutes for all meetings will be kept as required by law. They will record action items, and may reflect names of any speakers and the substance of any comments. Minutes are the official records of the Board’s discussion and actions.
Library Policy
Sanibel Public Library District Board of Commissioners
(July 21, 2011)